Improve Quality and Productivity at Work

Personalized, affordable, virtual ergonomics training, assessments, and wellness coaching.


We’re all working long hours and as a result, have felt some wrist discomfort, back tension, or an achy neck. You and your staff may be staring at the screen too long, sitting for too many hours, or performing a repetitive action that over time, hurts.

Work-related pain is a drag on employee morale and performance. It can cost employers worker’s comp fees and employee time off. 

The good news is, work-related discomfort is avoidable. Treat your employees to a safe and comfortable workspace so they can concentrate on what truly matters.


Need More Help?

Buying office equipment can get tricky. With thousands of reviews and everyone giving you opinions for items that worked for them you’re left wondering, “is this really going to help me?”

We can help you find the equipment specific to your body, need, and type of job you do every day.

Schedule an assessment with us today! or consult with us.

Full Remote Ergonomic Session Full Remote Ergonomic Session
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Full Remote Ergonomic Session

Let us help you make sure your workspace is set up for you! no matter how small or how large of a workspace you’re currently using we make sure it fits your body and needs. Ergonomics is more than just equipment, it’s about finding a balance between what your work demands of you and what your body can tolerate. Let us help.

Meet with us to discuss:

  • Postures

  • Ergonomic adjustments for your workspaces

  • Ways to effectively share

  • How often you should move

  • Stretches for your discomforts

  • Wellness while you work

Workshops & Training

Sometimes all you need is a refresher course on ergonomics or to teach a team how to use their office equipment in a safe manner. Our therapist will provide guidance for all levels of leadership.

Workshops offered:

  • Work From Home 101

  • Top WFH hacks

  • How to buy home office equipment

  • Ergonomics for leadership

  • Custom

“Our team was thrilled with our session with ErgoTherapy! We all learned a lot and will be making adjustments to optimize our workspaces.”

— Sonya Nygard, New York City

 Some of Our Clients