Friends and Family

Hello Friends and Family! On this page I share my most BASIC recommended items.

My laptop is too low


I travel for work, what should I buy?


Help! My desk is too high


Because Extras are Never a bad Idea


I Want to Gift or get a Remote Ergonomic Sessions

Full Remote Ergonomic Session

Let us help you make sure your workspace is set up for you! no matter how small or how large of a workspace you’re currently using we make sure it fits your body and needs. Ergonomics is more than just equipment, it’s about finding a balance between what your work demands of you and what your body can tolerate. Let us help.

Meet with us to discuss:

  • Postures

  • Ergonomic adjustments for your workspaces

  • Ways to effectively share

  • How often you should move

  • Stretches for your discomforts

  • Wellness while you work

Full Remote Ergonomic Session - Gift Card

Give the gift of comfort!

Your loved one is uncomfortable while working and it’s all over their face and body. Show them you care and get them an ergonomic session with an expert that can help them! (1 hour)